Food & Wine

July 17, 2019
Dining at the World’s Best Restaurant: Don’t?
Edward and I traveled to Modena, Italy, to experience dining at Osteria Francescana, the world’s so-called best restaurant.

January 11, 2019
Mireille’s Meals of the Year
Luckily in the past year I have lived in or traveled to places I love. And I had to eat! …

Mother’s Day: A Recipe for French (and American!) Moms
My mother and my mother-in-law two things in common: their love for lobster and champagne.

The Basics of the French Lifestyle
It's never too late to learn.

Fresh and Simple: Recipes for the Summer
Making the most of the freshest produce.

The 25-Minute Dinner Party: Summer
A fast, easy and delicious menu for Summer dinners.

Everyday Eating, French Women Style
Healthy eating habits for all seasons

Mireille’s Secret Recipe: Magical Leek Soup
A tried-and-tested method to regain your equilibrium.

What Mireille Eats in a Typical Week
A food journal of a typical week.

Fall Back into the Swing of Things
The importance of embracing autumn.

Preparing for the pre-holiday gorging season
French women tips for moderating the temptations of the holiday season.

En Hiver: Winter Pleasures
Embracing the Dormant Season

Keeping Your Equilibrium Over the Holidays
Because holiday parties mean food, and lots of it.

Find Your Autumn Movement
Beauty and Fitness Ideas for Fall

En été: Movement in the Summer
Summer is the month of equilibrium and recalibrating—the longest days are the most enlivening.

The Natural Beauty of Strawberries
Deliciously Sweet, Healthy and Easy to Prepare

Mutabilité: Spring’s Fleeting Beauty
Sensory pleasures are all around us.

Au Printemps: Spring Pleasures
Rediscover the Season Known as "The First Time"

For the Love of Eating
French passions that go hand in hand.

Why French Women Eat Oysters
My love for oysters is no secret at this point, and though writing a book may be an outward sign …

Cooking With the Healthy Colors of Autumn
A beautiful palette to please your palate.

Valentine’s Day à la Française
Easy and Romantic French Menu Ideas

A Winter Favorite: Scallops
A little French lesson in cooking scallops. Two minutes. Voilà.

The Sweetest of Guilty Pleasures: Vacherin
Easy, delicious salad, cheese and dessert course in one

Mindful Eating with All Five Senses
How French women keep menus interesting.

Adding Romance to Your Meals
Add a sense of ritual to preparing your meals and setting your table.

Putting Leeks in Your Life
A couple ways of preparing the most versatile and delicious vegetable.

The Scoop on Sweets: Finding Pleasure in Moderation
Is Sugar Really That Bad?

The 35-Minute Dinner Party: Fall
Fast, Easy and Delicious Menu

Plums: A French Obsession
A Delicious French Health Secret

The Joy of Creating Your Own Recipes, and Other Tips from French Women for All Seasons
Mireille shares insights from writing her two first books.

A Labor Day Ode to Summer
Easy and Delicious Menu Ideas

4 Ways to Pack a Delicious Lunch for Work
Packing a Healthy and Delicious Lunch for Work

Vive la Sardine!
Cooking Tips for a Favorite Summer Fish

What About Women Who Don’t Have Time to Cook?
A Q&A with Mireille about overcoming obstacles and making the French lifestyle work for you.

To Detox or Not to Detox?
Detoxing the French way.

Toujours Chocolat: A French Pleasure
There are so many different varieties and quality levels to chose from: where is a woman to start?

Quick and Easy 3-Ingredient Soups
Only three ingredients needed for each of these quick and delicious soups.

Don’t Like Magical Leek Soup? Try This Alternative.
A variation on Mireille's classic

Champagne 101: From Buying the Bottle to Serving Your Guests
There's an art to serving champagne—and you can master it.

Wine Tasting for Beginners
Tips on developing your palate and buying the right bottle.

The Magic of Yogurt
Incorporating the French staple in your diet.

The Siren Call of the Cupcake
The siren call of the cupcake is strong... But you can learn how to find balance.

Readers Try The Magical Leek Soup… To Great Results!
Firsthand accounts from those who dared.

Portions: A French Woman’s Primer
A handy guide for the best serving sizes.

Pairing Wine with Cheeses and Desserts
It's the end of the meal, but not the end of the story.

The Marriage of Food and Wine: Exponential Pleasure
A matchmaking adventure for your palate.

Pairing Wine with Appetizers and Main Courses
A primer on how to pair the best wines with your meal.

Faire Son Marché: Shopping for Food Online
Best Sources for French Women Staples

Serving Wine: The Basics
Pouring wine like a French woman is an art—but it's not too late to learn.

Recalibrating Your Portions: The 50 Percent Solution
Portion Control Made Twice as Easy

Why French Women Drink Wine
It's been a French tradition for centuries.

Pleasures from the Sea
Coquillage (Shellfish): Oysters and More

16 Eating Habits the French Cultivate
One step forward, two steps back. Here are some quick tips to eating healthier if you're feeling low.

Booting Out the Riff-Raff
French Women Tips for Dealing with the Offenders in Your Diet

The French Women Makeover for Coffee Addicts
Small Diet and Lifestyle Changes Add Up

Finding a Healthy Balance: The Beer Question
I help my friend Camille find a lifestyle she could enjoy.

Why Seasonal Eating Matters
Eating with the seasons is crucial to feeling "bien dans sa peau"