We grew peas in our garden, and so they were another spring treat by which I was spoiled rotten. I would graze on them raw right from the pod as my father picked them, not an hour before they would be served at table. Steamed or boiled and served with a little butter, they regularly furnished “color” on our dinner plates. Peas, like corn, are vegetables that cry out to be bought at farmstands and eaten fresh. When picked, peas (and corn) are rich with natural sugars, but these immediately begin turning to starch. A perfectly ripe just-picked pea is a special sensation. All others might as well be dancing with diced carrots in a can.
1 cup uncooked brown rice
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
2 tablespoons minced shallots
Zest of 1/2 lemon
1 pound fresh peas, shelled
Salt and freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons minced parsley
Yield: 4 servings
Cook the rice according to package directions. Warm the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the butter, shallots, and lemon zest, and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the peas, and cook until tender, adding a little water if the shallots start to brown before the peas are tender. Add the cooked rice, season with salt and pepper to taste, and stir to combine. Remove from the heat, and add the parsley.