The sad state of affairs in America is that in spite of all the messages in the press, TV shows, talk shows, etc. sent via gurus and experts on how to lose weight, the rates of obesity and overweight among adults aren’t going down. It seems that for every one losing pounds, there is someone else gaining them, and the former lose mostly only short-term following any of the diet books which come out a dime a dozen every five minutes, whether it’s the 17-Day Diet, the Dukan diet, the 4-Hour Body, the Belly Fat Cure or any additional one not on the bestseller list yet, another marketing gimmick in making you believe what you want to believe. Oooh and they all emphasize you are going to lose all those pounds… fast and for life. Sure. To this I say: unbelievable, incredible, unsustainable, insulting.
Diet books are like watching TV…they make you fat. Now that’s a fact… as something like 94% of people who go on diets to lose weight gain it back and more.
Then I also read (sitting at the hair dresser or at the dentist’s) that America is a country of extremes and denial, and is hypocritical about pleasures…mind you it’s the American press or reader who says it. Are we hopelessly staying the #1 fattest nation on earth? And what is that going to do to our children, as we are their role models, non?
The message couldn’t be more simple: we are what we eat.
We also are responsible for our own body.
We should respect our body as we only have one.
Recipe anyone?
1. Eat healthy (even if you indulge once in a while), which means cut junk and prepared foods.
2. Eat less. What does eat less mean? Give your body just what it needs, which requires eating sitting down, taking 20 minutes to eat… eating slowly, chewing well and, very important, in a quiet atmosphere focusing on your food, not your cell (and obviously not on the street, in the airport halls, train station, etc.); and please don’t shovel down food in 10 minutes or less. Doable? Yes, no expensive training required, just a decision to slow down.
3. Move…walk, walk, walk 20 minutes, once or twice a day. Take the stairs!
4. Oh and did I mention the pleasure factor? Savor your food! Take the time to visit a market, and ask your local vendors what is in season. They often have great ideas for recipes. Be merry.
Try this for a week and then see for yourself (Or weigh yourself, if you must). It’s not a diet but a lifestyle. Worth trying, again and again until you get it—which may not be right away. But no deprivation. Just paying attention.
Las but not least, quality over quantity. As the great William A. Foster wrote:
“Quality is never an accident. It’s always the result of
high attention,
sincere effort,
intelligent direction,
skillful execution.
It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”