For a starter, my three favorite ones for 2012 so far are indeed Patrick Roger, Michel Cluizel and Henri Le Roux, all, alas, a short walk from home. Some temptations. Friends knowing my passion for chocolate welcomed me with a few I did not have a chance to try last year. If any surpass my three favorites I’ll keep you posted, but they are obviously very good and French women love to go to this one for x chocolate, that one for y, etc., so tasting, tasting, tasting.
Weiss is a house founded in 1882. They have shops in major French cities and the Paris one is 62 rue de Seine
Puyricard has three boutiques in Paris–and is also in other major French cities (I am familiar with the one in Avignon as the headquarters are in Provence)–106 rue du Cherche Midi, and if you like almonds try their famous caissons, a treat I grew up eating during the holiday season.