The Basics of the French Lifestyle
It's never too late to learn.
French women know: it’s not what you eat, but how much that determines how you look and feel. Oui, you can eat a little of everything in moderation! Learn the time honored tricks the French have utilized to keep slim for centuries.
It's never too late to learn.
Healthy eating habits for all seasons
A tried-and-tested method to regain your equilibrium.
A food journal of a typical week.
French passions that go hand in hand.
How French women keep menus interesting.
Add a sense of ritual to preparing your meals and setting your table.
A couple ways of preparing the most versatile and delicious vegetable.
Is Sugar Really That Bad?
Detoxing the French way.
A variation on Mireille's classic
Incorporating the French staple in your diet.
The siren call of the cupcake is strong... But you can learn how to find balance.
Firsthand accounts from those who dared.
A handy guide for the best serving sizes.
Portion Control Made Twice as Easy
French Women Tips for Dealing with the Offenders in Your Diet
One step forward, two steps back. Here are some quick tips to eating healthier if you're feeling low.
I help my friend Camille find a lifestyle she could enjoy.
Small Diet and Lifestyle Changes Add Up